MEDICAL CANNABIS has been used to treat a variety of diseases throughout history going back 5000 years.
Marijuana, also known as Cannabis has been used therapeutically for the psychological and physiological effects.
Medical marijuana is currently approved to help alleviate or heal many chronic and debilitating medical conditions including Cancer, AIDS, Glaucoma, Neurological Diseases and Chronic Pain. There are numerous indications for cannabinoids as medicine including Fibromyalgia, Hepatitis C, Osteoporosis, Alzheimer’s Disease, Hypertension, Arthritis, Depression, Crohn’s Disease, Diseases Causing Anorexia, Migraines, Nausea, MS and Epilepsy .
There are currently 15 states in the US that have approved the use of marijuana as a medicine. Alaska, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Maine, Maryland, Michigan, Montana, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont and Washington all have legalized medical marijuana., Marijuana is legal for medical use or decriminalized in Canada, Amsterdam, Austria, Australia, Belgium, Israel, Spain, Germany, United Kingdom, and several other countries. Despite this, you should be familiar with Nevada marijuana laws and the Federal Law.
As an organic and natural alternative medicine, marijuana has attained a place amongst practitioners as a practical and compelling herb that has little side effects and many benefits. Many doctors endorse marijuana as medicine because they realize the considerable damage resulting from prescription pain killers and other medication. Marijuana, in its’ natural form is one of the safest therapeutically active substances known. Despite the growing list of advocates of medical marijuana, few Doctors across the USA are available to sign letters of recommendation for this important herbal remedy.
Our Doctors at the Paradise Clinic are educated about the benefits and side effects of Marijuana. We urge you to use this medicine responsibly and not to drive, work or operate machinery while impaired. Learn about your marijuana medication and do not jeopardize the health or welfare of others.
If you have a chronic or debilitating medical condition as defined by NRS 453A.050, you may apply for a registry identification card for the medical use of marijuana.
Compassionate Care and Alternative Treatment with Medical Marijuana
from the Marijuana Doctors at the Paradise Clinic:

The Paradise Clinic is composed of compassionate Doctors. We are not a marijuana referral service. Call and come to get your Medical Marijuana recommendation any day and we will be there to start the process to register you in the Nevada Medical Marijuana Program. While there is no “medical marijuana prescription” many people and the literature use the doctor’s recommendation for cannabis interchangeably with a “prescription”. Once you have your official recommendation, you will be allowed to grow a certain amount of weed for your own use and benefit from this organic health alternative. Come to see us. This is what we do, this is why we exist.
Organizations that endorse the use of medical marijuana with physician’s approval or research:
Aids Action
American Academy of Addiction Psychiatry
American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine
American Academy of Family Physicians
American Academy of HIV Medicine
American Association for Social Psychiatry
American Alliance for Medical Cannabis
American College of Physicians
American Medical Student Association
American Medical Women’s Association
American Pain Foundation
American Preventive Medicine Association
American Psychiatric Association
American Public Health Association
American Society of Addiction Medicine
Arthritis Research Campaign (United Kingdom)
The above is just a few medical groups to support therapeutic uses for cannabis.
Get Qualified for Medical Marijuana. Get Legal
Paradise Clinic for your Confidential Medical Marijuana Evaluation

CALL NOW: 702 255-MARA
Nevada State Health Division Package: Make your appointment with the Doctor. We will order your registry identification card package for faster service and see the Doctor the same day.
You may call the Nevada State Health Division to get your packet, you will need to supply your name and Driver’s License. See link below. It may take more than two weeks to receive this package. Meanwhile, Call Paradise Clinic to get your recommendation for Medical Marijuana from the Doctor while you wait. Do it now to get legal.
Paradise Clinic does not condone the unauthorized use of marijuana for medical purposes.
Your most important step is to get a valid recommendation from the Doctor. Do not put yourself or your family at risk. Improve the quality of your life with marijuana as medicine by participating in the Nevada State Registry Program for medical marijuana. Get your cannabis recommendation today. Apply for an ID card and be legal for medical marijuana.